Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sakubai for President

What the hell is wrong with India? Or more specifically with the Congress party and its leader Sonia Gandi. Is the only qualification needed to become the President of the country be that you should be rady to lick the Gandi family's butt. Here is the latest example, Sakubai has be nominated to the highest office in the land. No matter 99% of India has no idea who she is. Her only claim to the seat is that she has stuck to the Gandi family through thick and thin. Along the road she has be forgiven for all irregularities commited by her family. Seems like a pattern here started by Indira with Sardar Zail Singh, who famously when asked why he opted to be President, said that if his leader had asked him to take a broom and sweep the streets, he would have obliged. So for that cretin being the President of India was akin to being a sweeper. For all the faults of the BJP, they nominated a decent man to the post. Someone who the country could look up to with pride. The congress is fast loosing its relevance in mordern India. Unfortunately there is no sensible centrist party to take its place.


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